
Each room:Desk,Over toaster,Kitchen knives,Rice cooker,Air-conditioner,Refrigerator,T.V(Bilingual & CableT.V),Kettle,Frying pan, Coffee cups, Iron, Pan, Vacuum cleaner, Plates, Hangers, Forks,(and so on.)
Communal:Washing-machine, Dryer

Original card-system telephone
which allow you to call at anytime to any place.

Every room is provided with a card-system telephone. If you purchase a card,
you can call at any time, and international calls are, of cause, OK.

You can do your own cooking.

In our clean kitchens, you can cook your own food to your liking life.

Privacy is preserved.

The Rental House buildings are all places where you can enjoy peace of mind.
The high quality of their outside appearance and they fully protect your valuable privacy.